Perfect Site Testing As per The Required Level

Perfect Site Testing As per The Required Level

In previous articles we have discussed ways to increase your traffic, improve SEO or refine Social Media Marketing, but website security is also a very important issue that most people ignore. For this reason, we have decided to analyze in this article all the ways you can protect your site from malicious hackers. With the 토토 먹튀 you can have the best deals now.

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Update your platforms frequently

One of the best ways to keep your website secure is to regularly update platforms and scripts. Every day, a large number of websites are exposed because they run with outdated software. So whenever a new plugin or CMS version appears on the market it is important to update your website to discourage potential hackers from accessing your files. Hacking is now automated, through bots constantly scanning for weak sites that are offered for online piracy. Therefore, updating once a month or weekly is not enough. Updating your system is an ongoing process that you should not delay.

Pay attention to the codes

In order for the admin panel passwords to be secure, specific specifications must follow. The sequence of numbers 123456789 is the best way to welcome hackers to your website. So when it comes time to choose a password, you need to consider 3 factors:


The codes you choose should be complex and random. P as sword-cracking programs can guess millions of passwords per second. Complicated and random is a code that does not include whole words. Finally, remember that you are not the only one using (characters that replace letters).


Each online login system follows a set of security principles and has a limited number of password typing attempts. Your passwords should exceed 12 characters if you want to stop someone trying to guess your password.


Do not use the same codes for multiple purposes. Each code you use must be unique.

Don’t host all your websites on the same server

We are sure that most of you host all your sites on the same server. This is the worst move you can make with regard to the security of your website. Hosting multiple sites on a single server increases your chances of being hacking. This means that every time you upload a site, theme or new Word Press to your server, the hacker will take possession of it. In short, hacking can spread very quickly across all your sites. This also complicates the “resolution” process, as hacked sites continue to “infect” the rest of the server.

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Change the Default CMS Settings

Today, CMS applications, despite their ease of use, are not as good at security. Most hacking attacks, because they are automated, target the default settings. There are settings that control users, comments, and display information on a site. By changing the settings, when you install the CMS of your choice, you can also enhance the security of your site.